Welcome to the March 2023 Flex Insider!
This month FlexRadio celebrates its 20th year in business. During the calendar year 2023, we will be celebrating 20 Years of Innovation in the HF radio space. Throughout the year we will be highlighting partners, customers, stations, and more as we review our history and our contributions to the development of modern-day ham radio.
From the introduction of SDR in the amateur ham radio market to remote operation in today’s stations, FlexRadio has been a catalyst in defining today’s modern-day radio offerings. Looking at where we started, how the technology has evolved, and where we are taking modernized HF in the future are just some of the stories to be told.
Let’s start by hearing a bit about how FlexRadio solutions have contributed to your operating experience over the years.
Send us a short (30 sec to 1 min) video wishing us a “Happy 20 Years”, or a picture of your FLEX station set-up, to be included in our celebration video compilation.
Product updates
Radio Production Update
The production line for FLEX-6400 and FLEX-6600 transceivers is expected to be back up in the next two to three weeks, which means we anticipate being back to shipping by early April.
Our backlog will be addressed first followed by any new orders made once production is back online. If you have a current order in place, we will be reaching out prior to shipping to finalize your payment.
We really appreciate your patience!
QSO Today Expo
QSO Today Expo – March 25-26th, 2023
New Theme – It is all about the New Ham Operator
FlexRadio is a Gold sponsor of the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo to be held the weekend of March 25th. Click here for more information and to register so you can be part of the live presentations.
FlexRadio representatives will be available during published hours on both Saturday and Sunday to answer product questions and we will be running specials on both radio and amplifier product lines.
Enjoy presentations by Mike VA3MW, Andy VA3CW and Dave WO2X. These presentations are for New Hams regarding HF radio, Tuners and basic HF wire antennas.
Dayton Hamvention
Hamvention 2023
FlexRadio will be at Hamvention 2023 located in Xenia (Dayton), Ohio from May 19, 20 and 21st, 2023. It is a great opportunity to meet up with many of the FlexRadio staff and enthusiasts!
You can also join us for either (or both) of our Dinners on the 18th and 19th.
Dayton Banquet
Order your tickets online here.
Our guest speaker for Thursday, May 18th is Dr. Nathaniel Frissell Ph.D., W2NAF.
Nathaniel is an Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering at The University of Scranton. Nathaniel’s passion for radio and radio science began in middle school when he was introduced to the amateur radio hobby through scouting.
In his presentation, he will describe the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station Project and show how amateur radio observation networks such as the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN), Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network (WSPRNet), and PSKReporter/FT8 can be used to study ionospheric effects, including those caused by the upcoming October 14, 2023, Annular and April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipses.
Our guest speaker for Friday, May 19th is Bob Brehm, AK6R.
Bob Brehm, AK6R, is the Chief Engineer at Palomar Engineers. He was first licensed in 1963 as WN6QFA and WB6QFA. Bob is active in CW, RTTY, and SSB contests and now also restores old Tube gear that he routinely operates CW, AM, and SSB on 80 and 40M. Bob also uses the entire FlexRadio ecosystem including a 6600, Power Genius XL, and a Tuner Genius XL with his huge antenna farm.
Bob will educate us on the issues today’s hams have with RFI sources and how they can make it difficult to hear other stations. He will also talk about what solutions are available and where to use them. After all, the quieter you are, the more you can hear!
2023 Events
Calendar of Events
QSO Today Virtual Hamfest – March 25-26, New Theme!
IDXC Visalia – April 21-23
Hamvention, Dayton – May 19-21
FlexRadio Customer Banquet at Dayton (two options available) – May 18 or 19.
SeaPac – Seaside OR – June 2-4
Club Presentations
Michael, VA3MW, continues to deliver remote presentations to clubs worldwide (in English). If you would like him to deliver a presentation based on the FlexRadio product in general or getting started in building a FlexRadio remote HF station, please reach out to us at info@flexradio.com and we will get back to you.
Trade ins / Trade ups
Trade in your Radio or Amplifier
The FlexRadio Trade-In program is available for you to trade in your older ham radio gear or trade up your current FlexRadio gear (HF Radios and Amplifiers) for the latest and greatest solutions from FlexRadio.
For more information, visit our Trade-In program page.
You can call us to discuss this at any time. This program is for customers in the United States only.