If you are vacationing in Orlando, Florida for some warm weather, join us at Hamcation 2023 this weekend (Feb 10-12).
It is a great time to catch up and visit the team, ask questions and actually get on and listen to DX from all over the world with our SmartLink connected remote FLEX radios.
We have an amazing group of dealers worldwide as well. You can find them online here.
Also, check out our Hamcation deals here.
GigaParts & Genius products
Genius Line products are now available through GigaParts, Inc.

FlexRadio announced during Hamcation that they have expanded their distribution channel for the Genius product line through a new agreement with GigaParts, Inc. for the North American market.
This relationship allows FlexRadio to strengthen its presence in the high-power amplifier market by extending its reach into the GigaParts customer base.
The agreement is effective immediately and you can buy the Power Genius XL, Tuner Genius XL, and Antenna Genius through the GigaParts website or at one of their storefront locations.
Read more here.
FlexRadio product updates
SmartSDR v3.4
We have made significant progress with SmartSDR v3.4 and will be testing a final release candidate over the weekend during the WPX RTTY contest. If it passes muster with our Alpha team we expect we will be providing the public release shortly thereafter.
We never like when a release drags out this long but we believe you will be satisfied with the significant improvements in audio that we have been able to achieve in the past few weeks of testing.
We thank you for your continued patience.
FLEX-6400 and FLEX-6600 Radio Shipments
We anticipate that our 6400 and 6600 lines will be operational again in about four to six weeks. We are still awaiting component qualification to complete our board runs but we have been building up the chassis in anticipation of getting back to shipping.
Once the boards are in house we will be able to move to final assembly and test and quickly begin shipping. We expect that to occur by mid-March which ensures shipping by late March if everything lines up. If for some reason there are continued delays we will provide another update in the March issue of the FlexInsider.
Delays continue on the FLEX-6700 delivery schedule as we await delivery and qualification on a couple of parts. This process has taken longer than expected but we expect to be shipping our FLEX-6700 backlog sometime in March.
This has been another example of ongoing supply chain challenges for components as common as transistors and resistors. Again, we thank you for your patience while we work to get this product back into production.
Maestro part delivery continues to be delayed which impacts the schedule to qualification, redesign to accommodate new components and ultimately having to take the product back through certifications. With this ongoing impact on the schedule, Maestro delivery is now expected to occur sometime in the fall.
Keeping your order in place is of no risk and will ensure quick delivery once we move to production. It also keeps you locked into the price advertised when you were added to the backlog list.
If you have further questions regarding Maestro or your existing order, please contact sales@flexradio.com.
Dayton Hamvention
We’ve been getting many inquiries as to whether we will be holding our customer banquet at Dayton again this year and when registration will open.
The answer is YES, we will be holding our annual customer banquets on both Thursday and Friday nights in Dayton. Details are still being finalized and we expect to open registration in early March. Watch the Community and the Insider for more details and for registration opening.
If you’ve attended in the past, you will get an email to the email address you registered with last year notifying you of registration details.
We can’t wait to bring you another exciting program and engage with our customers, old and new. And as a bonus, we will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year. So lots of fun things are in store.
2023 Events
Calendar of events
In person events are making a comeback and FlexRadio looks forward to engaging with our customers, old and new, at the following events in the first half of 2023.
Hamcation Orlando – February 10-12, 2023
QSO Today Virtual Hamfest – March 25-26
IDXC Visalia – April 21-23
Hamvention, Dayton – May 19-21
FlexRadio Customer Banquet at Dayton (two options available) – May 18 or 19.
SeaPac, Seaside OR – June 2-4
Club Presentations
Michael, VA3MW, continues to deliver remote presentations to clubs worldwide (in English). If you would like him to deliver a presentation based on the FlexRadio product in general or getting started in building a FlexRadio remote HF station, please reach out to us at info@flexradio.com and we will get back to you.
Trade ins / Trade ups
Trade in your Radio or Amplifier
The FlexRadio Trade-In program is available for you to trade in your older ham radio gear or trade up your current FlexRadio gear (HF Radios and Amplifiers) for the latest and greatest solutions from FlexRadio.
For more information, visit our Trade-In program page.
You can call us to discuss this at any time. This program is for customers in the United States only.