SKU Description: FLEX-8000 Series Radio GPSDO Upgrade – Factory Installation Only

If you initially purchased your FLEX-8000 series radio without the GPS Disciplined Oscillator (GPSDO) module and have already received your radio, this SKU is required to order the GPSDO along with the necessary labor for installation.


  • Return Required: You will need to send your radio back to the FlexRadio service center for professional installation. This module cannot be installed by the customer or in the field.
  • Additional Costs: The price of this SKU includes the GPSDO module and mandatory labor charges for the factory installation process.
  • Compatibility: This GPSDO module is only compatible with FLEX-8000 series radios and cannot be used with FLEX-6000 series radios.  TheFLEX-6000 GPSDO cannot be installed in a FLEX-8000 radio.

Please ensure your radio is properly packaged when returning it for service to prevent any shipping damage.

Do not ship your radio to FlexRadio until you have received a return RMA.