Maestro and PC at the same time
Have your cake and eat it too.
With multiFLEX you no longer need to choose between a Maestro and a PC. Now you can operate both at the same time. It’s like having two separate radios!
Mix and match your devices:
Share your radio with a friend
- Share a quiet receive site
- Listen to your transmit signal on a friends radio
- Operate two users remotely
- Elmer a new ham

Half the cost and equipment for Multi-1, Multi-2 or Multi-Multi contesting
With multiFLEX you can slash the cost and complexity of your multi-1, multi-2 or multi-multi contest station by utilizing a single radio for two operators. No more messy cables and control boxes. Everything is handled magically for you. Oh, and Power Genius XL lets you run high power Multi-1 with a single amplifier.

For multi-op contesters, sharing the best antenna is a big deal
With multiFLEX, both the search & pounce operator and the run operator can utilize the same antenna. This means that they both can use the best antenna instead of having one restricted to lower performance. Better antenna = more contacts.

Now Available with SmartSDR v3.0
Build Your Station
*SmartLink Remote Requires SmartSDR V2.x License. Requires internet connection. **Requires customer supplied battery.
Specifications subject to change without notice. 1Requires optional GPSDO module 2Requires 3rd party software.